Michael Gondry describes his ideas 4 this promo in an Aug 2k1 article of REBEL mag:
"In the video that I have just finished for Radiohead, Knives Out, I reconstructed my memories. It's an autobiographical video. Emma de Caunes plays the role of my ex-girlfriend and Thom Yorke interpretates my role. I received the record the moment we separated. The video, unlike the film, is all based on memory. All these images just came to me. I hadn't managed to have any others. I suggested them to Thom who agreed. It is the story of my girlfriend who had leukaemia and the time I spent watching over her in the hospital. She is practically cured now. The speed at which the illness progresses is horrifying..."
"...In all their other videos, the band play the part of themselves, and have no real role to play besides being Radiohead... In this video, Thom plays the part of a different person, in a surreal world ..."