In the eighth installment of Digital Punch TV, the vlog that features breaking tech news, cool product reviews and random weirdness, we present a special holiday present to you, the viewer (as we will not be releasing a regular full-length show due to the holiday break). So without further ado boys and girls, get ready for your gripping treat…
A blooper reel full of all the flubs, outtakes and screw ups that the crew here at DP have recorded over the last seven epsiodes. You can witness Benjamin saying some of the most rediculous things ever such as frik, barf, biscuits, girgle, flubber, crud pot, a-burp, craps, flibbage, goof and many many more.
As always, email us with your show ideas, questions or comments. We really do read and respond to each email. Honest, I swear.
Thanks For Watching!
-Digital Punch TV