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As promised, some documentary footage from the alternative wedding I helped produce and direct with my now-welded-together-forever pals Carol and Steve.
The song was written by Carol and me - the bride's lyrics to my music - and was played by Brooklyn's Hungry March Band the day following the blackout of August 2003.
What a beautiful nightmare it was.
More footage from "The Welding" perhaps forthcoming. This serves as part of the collection of sketch /trailer footage I've made toward producing " The World's Longest Open Love Letter " film.
Wish me luck.
When I boot up my phone it says, "Try Again," which are words captured from inside a bottle top by an artist whom I know by the name of H.D. I bought the print from her. Perhaps it's time to hang the art collection. Again.
"Try Again."
I'm just saying.
Tags: Faux Press Road Node 101