Swiss artist Christian Philipp Müller (b. 1957) examines such issues as the context of art, the specifics of place and the exhibition itself as a medium. “Christian Philipp Müller’s installations are based on an artistic exploration that links widely diverse facts and things by way of addressing social, economic and cultural givens. For this retrospective exhibition, which includes selected works from the last twenty years, Christian Philipp Müller is developing a new project centred on the museum in St. Alban-Tal with all its historic layerings and sediments.” (PR MfG Basel). Christian Philipp Müller has been living in New York for over ten years. He was represented in the Austrian pavilion at the 1993 Venice Biennale and later at Documenta X. In Cooperation with the new media art institution and the Basel Paper Mill, Swiss Museum for Paper, Writing and Printing. Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Basel. Impressions from the opening reception, January 18, 2007.