The lively author, songwriter, and singer, June Marshall has created the "Booby Trapped: Men Beware!" music album to accompany her second book of the same title. Her kick-butt, no-nonsense message is about being selective in dating and mating women, so men can develop happy, long-lasting relationships.
June sings about the seven types of "Dirty Sisters" she describes in full detail in her book. One of these Dirty Sisters is Needee Nellie, the girl with no inner life, who is the sweetest and nicest of all the sisters. The problem is, she is too nice and too sweet, to the point of being cloying. She is looking for her mate to provide her whole purpose and meaning in her life. She is clinging, needs constant assurances of your love, and showers you with over-the-top affection, gifts, and sex, all in the hopes of keeping you with her, in her suffocating womb, forever.
Like this, June's other songs show self-respect rather than wound-licking self-pity. She performs with pulsating energy and heat. Enjoy!