I recently bought some led scrolling badges mainly for the next local business event - at some of these places you can have 50-60 people milling about and there always seems to be an awkward silence for people to get talking to each other.  the only way to truly get noticed is to stand out from the crowd.  cue the scrolling namebadge.
To be honest the idea came from getting some nametags for my mates restaurant for his employees.  to show the website address and the name of the person that was serving.   I can sell you one if you want? - i have them for sale at £20 and that includes the windows software and the cable.  It really easy dead easy to use and you can store 10 messages of 255 characters in length so you can have all you information for different vlogs, websites, emails or whatever really.
I think they are neat. Â In the next video i'll show you the software.