Don Criss, on KENW-TV, Portales, NM, interviews Rev. Rebecca Guile Hudson, (International Who's Who in Poetry-2005 and 2007), award-winning author of "Out of Cullen Street (A House of Madness)".
"I have known and cherished this spectacular, gorgeous, quite remarkable woman, for the last 12 years. She contributes so much of her light, generosity and genuine love to every one she meets – no one is a stranger to her. I believe everyone and anyone can and will benefit from knowing her, knowing about her.
She lived 17 years at the torture level of abuse. Now, 37 years later, while she lives daily (with real humor, I might add) w/the resultant psychological difficulties, she is an internationally published, multi-voiced, multi-talented poet." Bill Pearman
She belongs to the Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society, the Academy of American Poets, the Editorial Advisory Board for The Taj Mahal Review, & is a founding member of the Rosa Parks Wall of Tolerance & the Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Project.