Portland Oregon Peace March 3-18-07 with Ms V. The people speak out at their Peace March against the war. The people have their say without the filtration of the media and the press. This is what the people want...out of Iraq. They support the troops by wanting them to come home from a war based on misaction based upon a lie. Anti Bush signs are everywhere and the people have awoken by the thousands from the confusion caused by 9-11. The wrong war for the wrong reason. This is the peoples day in Portland. Police Heilocopters observe overhead and the Oregonian Newspaper describes the small negative aspects of a small minority. Media bias is rampant becoming more and more like the film V for Vendetta with media control and spin abundant.
Ms V wears roses to symbolise the targets of the vendetta by peace activists against: World Trade Organisation, Oppression, Tyranny, European Union, Dictatorship, New World Order, Corporate Power. --- Add your own roses!