Title: La Belle (Mi In, Love Remembered by the Body)
Year: 2000
Director: Yeo Kyun Dong
Cast: Lee Ji-hyun, Oh Ji-ho, Cho Kyeong-hwan, Cho Kyeong-uk
NB: EXPLICITLY MATURE content! Artistic. Be warned.
Overview: 3PM and with a slim chance of meeting anyone... a writer encounters a woman in a cafe. Somehow he can catch the scent of sadness in her, an emotion he is quite familiar with. A few days later, he finds her in the list of people he is to interview for his photo album. It turns out that she is a nude model. On one gloomy rainy night, she pays him an unexpected visit. Seeking solitude from her ex-lover, she finds solace in this gentleman; and from that day on, they cherish every inch of each other's body and indulge in ecstacy until her forbidden past is gradually revealed. Adapted from the director's own novel, "Body", La Belle's captivating expressions remind us of Roland Barthes with phrases like "I'm in pain with her". A single subject and an object, or existence and absence...