It takes courage to take up arms for a cause you believe in; it takes even more courage to lay them down, for the greater cause of peace.
The war in Iraq was fomented by corrupt men in power for personal and corporate gain.
The war can be ended, just as the war in Vietnam was ended.
"... You can carry a gun or a lighted candle, box clever or box rough,
Violence doesn’t need applause, indifference is enough.
Behind closed doors in Washington, in Geneva, or Milan
Shadowy figures chisel deals, as they have since Time began,
Seduction, purchase or discreet removal
They’re all tricks of the same trade:
It’s a trade that lines the pockets of those figures in the shade.
It’s all a game of Russian dolls, every motive neatly sheathed;
Painted faces & frozen smiles cloak the daggers and the greed ...."