TRIVIA:Pageant Question "What do you say to the people of the world who have typecasted Filipinos as nannies? PRECIOUS:I take no offence on being typecasted as a nanny. But I do take offence that the educated people of the world have somehow denigrated the true sense & meaning of what a nanny is. Let me tell you what she is. She's someone who gives more than she takes. She's someone you trust to look after the very people most precious to you - your child, the elderly, yourself. She's the one who has made a living out of caring & loving other people. So to those who have typecast us as nannies, thank you. It is a testament to the loving & caring culture of the Filipino people & for that, I'Âm forever proud & grateful of my roots & culture.UMAARAW, UMUULAN is about a young man (Ryan Agoncillo) who succumbs to depression due to failure in his career & lovelife. He then meets another girl (Miss International 2005-Precious Quigaman). What follows is obsession, romantic melancholy. (2006)may 3,2007