At once a complex drama and imaginative adult fairy tale, "The Magician King" probes the deep recesses of a young man's being.
Far from home, Alex Palermo is a wounded soul who imagines himself as The Magnificent Magician in a surreal world populated with such colorful characters as its drag queen dictator, and his daughter The Pretentious Princess. After Alex is unable to finish college or keep his apartment, a violent event nearly costs him his life. In the hospital, his dad arrives to escort Alex back to his hometown in southwest Louisiana. It is here where Alex finds renewed energy in his family and friends, and where his memory and imagination are refreshed. The movie is partly inspired by a Cajun folktale, is written, directed by and stars Louisiana native Max Cusimano, features the great Cajun comedic talents of Murray Conque and AJ Smith ("Dirty Rice"), and reverberates with the authentic sounds of a variety of musicians, including Lance Conque (Cirque du Soleil).