AMV Contest Winner "Youmacon 2007 AMV Contest" for Best Comedy Video
A while back I was thinking about making an AMV Trailer to the movie "Full Metal Jacket", but on one hand I was having difficulty finding an anime that matched well enough, and besides the trailer isn't all that thrilling.
However, as just a whim, I thought it might be funny to do something with the hooker scene in Saigon. I suppose I must have been looking at the anime I had with me at the time and somehow thought to use Cowboy Bebop as the source footage. I'll admit that as I made this I had no idea what I was doing, but through a stroke of luck it seemed to turn out pretty well. The characters, environment, and lip syncing especially came across in a unique but creative fashion. Of course, I'll let you all be the judge of how good it is :-)
"Mi so horny!"