Ok, now that that's out of the way, do NOT watch this video without having played through both games entirely(and gotten the Good ending in FFX-2, which is not just the default ending.) That being said, there are MANY MANY spoilers in here. I tried to avoid them but I wanted to use certain scenes so...yah, had to have spoilers.
Hmm....let's see. Umm, FFX/FFX-2 are my second favorite Final Fantasy games. I also really like the song Hitoiro from Nana 2. Soo, yeah, I gathered clips from around the net again and put them together. The song was kind of long so it just seems a little bit odd towards the end. And I added the last part in because it's just a beautiful scene. And I don't own the video clips or the song so don't try to sue me or anything.