The first Falo video for the song "Continuance" from the album Secondary Fix..... for all the believers in true metal.....shot on location in a very haunted house in Southern Illinois.....filmed by Dylan Jerrell, Ian Baird and Anastasia Winter....
From the great chasm of fear and loathing rises FALO!!!! A solution to the nu-metal monkeys and a death sentance to all of the poseurs who can wear the make-up but can't throw down. We've been sent by the underlord to cleanse this world and separate the goats from the sheep. He's angry with you all. You have made a mockery of his intentions and scavanged from the fat of the land for far too long. You are no different then the religions you claim to despise and war with. You have become what you detest, flimsy, worthless, vile exhibitionists who claim to be evil for appearances. Fools!!!! You have just met your executioner. It ends for you here. It ends with FALO!!!!