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Guess it's disclosure time: I'm mashing up vloggers. In exchange for commercial use of vloggers' footage, videobloggers get a minimum of :05 text / logo ad in the mashup.
In the meta, I think of the project as a video magazine and vlogvertising.
This screen will eventually draw in sufficient funds to make it sustainable for publisher and film makers alike.
Most difficult is to explain 'vlogvertising' and what vlogvertising means to potential advertisers.
The 'vloggie' nature of the endeavor enables low production costs essential to affordably bring vlogvertising to small business owners. The following sentence may be the explanation.
I look forward to the day we post the vlog commercial made by the eleven-year-old from down the street with her cell phone. That's vlogvertising at its best. - Jan McLaughlin
The first question I'd ask a business owner interested in creating a vlogvertising campaign is, "Who are your best customers?" Best customers are the best people to participate; their prove...