Continuing our coverage of the Watada case, we provide an update on Lt. Watada's Article 32 hearing, using court artist sketches. This pre-trial hearing is the closest the Lt. got to putting the war on trial. Expert witnesses testified that the war was illegal, a violation of US and International law. sometime after this update was completed, the Army decided to not admit into evidence ANYTHING that suggested that the war might be wrong, stripping the stalwart Lt. of any reasonable defense against the charges. Then we take you to one of the last speeches Ehren Watada gave before his court martial began, his Langston Hughes speech of 1/27/7. Lt. Watada has become a powerful and uplifting speaker, and this is one of his best presentations.
Pepperspray Productions formed shortly after the WTO protests in Seattle, in response to the Independent Media Center's call, "don't hate the media, be the media". We believe that the Corporate Media is not telling us the whole s...