The Corporate media treated Watada's mistrial like it was a flat tire, or some other technical problem rather than the victory that it was. We were right there front and center, in the inner court room, and we knew that the mistrial of Ehren Watada, first officer to refuse to go to Iraq, was a big victory for our side. We saw how the judge pulled the plug on the trial rather than risk a Watada victory. Our court-room observer heard one juror mutter "at least somebody has some principles around here." We saw the prosecutor bury his face in his hands when the judge began to bail out of the case that had become an airplane on fire, careening towards the earth.
Our cameras were at the gates, at the rallies, and at the press conferences. And because NO cameras are allowed in any kind of federal court, including military courts-marital, we got the court artist sketches, and with animation, sketches, and live footage we bring you the story that corporate media glossed over. There was no "mistrial." The prosecuti...