Cobbled together from several episodes of JOHNNY SOKKO AND HIS FLYING ROBOT (made to compete with ULTRAMAN, only with a much smaller budget), VOYAGE INTO SPACE is one of the few such cut-and-paste movies that actually works.
The plot (?) follows the adventures of Johnny Sokko, a 10-year-old kid who becomes an agent of the top-secret agency UNICORN and incidentally happens to be the only person who can control Giant Robot, a 200-foot-tall engine of destruction who looks like a cross between the Tin Woodsman and a pharoah. They oppose hostile extra-terrestrial Emperor Guillotine from the planet Gargoyle (and his henchmen, the Gargoyle gang), who has at his disposal an endless variety of ass-kicking (and phony) giant monsters. One of these is the Nucleon, which looks like a bunch of traffic cones that have been hot-glued together and rolled into camera range. There's also a bargain basement sea monster, a silver-faced dude in a clown suit, and much, much more.