This film is a special look at Denmark and suicide. How can such an idealized land have fostered so many parents that were allowed to abuse their children to death? And in today's Denmark, most adult children who survived abuse and molestation in childhood are being denied by the government the PTSD treatment recommended by their doctors. Many wind up dying in adulthood what they had survived in childhood.
In memory of Agnes Lorentzen and her older brother, who died as a result of this, & for Ma Jaya at Kashi Ashram.
From the lesbian couple unashamedly embraced as the train pulls into Copenhagen Central Station, to the "worship" of a theory rather than the human soul, to the sublime chakra symbolism of the Round Tower by Copenhagen University, to sitting on a Danish beach at sunset and putting it all into perspective, the film takes this harsh unkindness and suffering within a most unlikely kingdom to a place of great kindness.