Very special orienteering event, this video needs explanation. 7 years ago Juha Nivukoski and other trainers of Hankasalmi O-gymnasium came up an idea of orienteering rally. 12 stages/4 persons in a team. Most of the stages 3 runners/team, but sometimes all, sometimes only one. All the stages at the best parts of different maps. This is the schedule of this years race: (EK=Special stage, Juoksijat=Runners, EK pituus=Stage length, 1.lähtöaika=1.start, siirtymä autolla erikoiskokeiden välillä=distance between stages). Organizers tell 24 hours before the race where teams should meet for the race instructions. Time is counted only from special stages, driving times is not included. Between the stages normal traffic rules apply, but if you are late next stage, you got penalty time. The best orienteering day you can imagine!
This year winners OK Tuska (Tuska=Pain) with Ikonen, Harju, Turpeinen and Weckman. Jyrki Saarivaara (C) 2007