An SA-3 unit lit me up and fired. I returned the favor with a HARM shutting down the two missiles. Thinking the threat was gone, I returned to my waypoints. However, a second SA-3 battery lit me up from the same airport and fired 2 missiles, which again was met with a HARM but it missed. The 2 missiles forced me down, followed by a second volley of two missiles, followed immediately by one more. In total, 7 SAM's were fired bringing me down low, with the very last nearly getting me (I was low and slow, trying to climb out), until I turned into it.
I used a half inverted roll from a perpendicular position to force a long lead pursuit by the incoming missiles. This causes a massive energy bleed on them, resulting in not enough energy to complete the intercept. However, this also forces you down into AAA territory.