the music is Quasar : Outphase
ok, It's my pleasure to announce that my guide replays are finaly going youtube and veoh!
this is really just a test to see what goes, what stays, and what needs to be changed.
Well, let me say I cant do any of this without my friend Projec†Ezra (aka mizzro2), so a hand to him :D
And dont forget any of the contributors to my guide, because it couldnt be anywhere near how it is today without them :D
Ok, now lets hit some details :
If you want any of the images, feel free to pm me, and ill drop you a link ^^
If you want to see my guide (a gunzfactor original), head to this link
IF you're new to gunz, and are interested, head to and pick the version that you're supposed to play (NA Gunz = the one for all besides korea, japan, brazil, and philipine's *apparently*)