This is an AMV to the song "Two Sisters" by Fiction Plane. The anime used is Elfen Lied.
Well I began with the idea of this video mostly because I'd been making a lot of trailers and I figured that it might be good to go back to an actual music video. I'd been hearing this song on the radio a lot and as much as I could just rock-out to it, as I listened to the lyrics I starting thinking of an idea. That idea progressed and eventually became "Two Sisters".
It's hard to think that nobody else has thought to use this song in an AMV (so far). Currently the band doesn't have a music video of its own, but I look forward to seeing it when it comes out. However, I do believe that with no false claim that I can honestly say that this is the original use of this song in an Anime Music Video.
As always, I hope you enjoy it and I'm looking forward to your comments =n.n=