Originally billed as Nick-at-Nite's TV Land, the Network officially premiered on April 29, 1996. For the first few years on TV, TV Land was pretty much what it set out to be: Classsic TV. Eventually it dropped the Nick-at-night' brand, and eventually dispensed with the Classic TV label in both its name and in the content. For me these days, it's pretty much like any other station showing syndicated reruns of the same old same old while some really classic shows continue to collect dust on studio shelves.
Editorializing aside, when TV Land did hit the air waves, it did so simultaneously on NICK at Night. This is how it went on the air and how I was able to record it since my cable carrier like so many others didn't carry TV land for several years. By the time they did, it was no long what it had been in the early days.