Southeast U.S. Lakeside, Augusta's no. 1 box office hit...AntigaBrotha. Produced by Crazy Asian Productions.
Four Brothers - Kumar, !Xobino,
Sebastian, Brother Y
Mr. Tubz (gang boss), Elmo (Tubz's
son)Bobobo (gang guard),
Mr. Bartender (gang bartender)
All characters are part of the gang.
Plot Summary for the Confused: Kumar kills !Xobino and we don't know why. Mr. Tubz thinks that Kumar needs to die. Sebastian doesn't agree and feels that they should find out why Kumar did what he did. Brother Y feels that what the Tubz is doing is right. Elmo, thinks what his dad is doing is wrong and wants to do something about it... [To find out the rest of the details, watch the movie].
This movie was produced based on the Greek play Antigone. It was a project for our lit class in school. Enjoy the movie!