Exposures Gallery is the largest gallery for Worrell art and the only gallery in the world with Bill Worrell's complete collection on ... all » display. Bill Worrell is an accomplished artist, working in both bronze and mixed media originals. His captivating artwork is an interpretation of the cave paintings of an ancient culture that lived in rock shelters above the Lower Pecos River, on the border of what is now Texas and Mexico. His inspirational interpretations of ancient pictographic and petroglyph art have brought joy to art lovers worldwide. Worrell will present many new sculptures during this opening weekend. Exposures International is the only gallery in the world to exhibit Bill Worrell's complete collection.
Antique treasures and estate jewelry. Southwest stoneware pedants and beads, chinese jade, ... all » silver, and antique trade beads and "do it youself" bead kits. Cocopah in Tlaquepaque - a Sedona landmark for 30 years.