My favorite web words to say. What are yours?
lulu, hulu, twitter, trooker, happyslip, newteevee, flip, boing boing, blip, flickr, skribd, boehm, imeem, zefrank, blufr, skype, dataintright, joopz, gizmo, stickam, micropersuasion, podzinger, magnolia, fotki, quimble, furl, lonelygirl, blummy, doshdosh, beebo, pandora, blinkx ,vodaphone, mugglesam, meebo, dabble, revver, wikipedia, gizmodo, nutcheese, xanga, delicious, stumbleupon, friendster, vimeo, bunns and chouchou, dabble ,jabazaar, mologogo, godaddy, the fizz, zipster, ning, bubblegumtreeshow, zazzle, mikma, strongbad, ysabellabrave, BitTorrent, kudzu, kevjumba, younew, webkinz, mondomedia, technorati ,valleywag, grouper, yeda, whatthebuck, youtorrent, kaboodle, bitbomb, oyogi, paperlillies, competitious, agester, hoooka, clipshack, picturecloud, shazu, jamba, squidoo, mozilla, plaxo, pando, bebo, mixi, crunchyroll, daxflame, dada, senduit, qwerky, mahalo, lockernome, wakoopa, reddit, zazzle, fark, squidoo, yanoodle