“Fool Proof System” Animation (Body Only)
“Invaders Invade” All Assets
“Invaders on Set” All Assets
“Wooden Plane” Modeling.
“Triton’s Chase” All Assets
“Ninja Intro” Animation (White Ninja Only) “Firewall: Prep for Launch” Modeling, Texturing, Rigging of the Launch Platform and Launch Arm, Animation.
“Tales of the New Republic: Saber Duel” Background Modeling and Texturing
“Lars’ Homestead” All Assets
“Scourge Carrier” Texturing, Lighting
“Scourge Carrier Version 2.0” Texturing, Lighting
“Atomic Ball” All Assets
“Enlightenment” IFS Creation, Rendering, and Post Processing
“Archon” IFS Creation, Rendering, and Post Processing
“Biped Box Walk” Animation
“Bionicle in the Shop” Animation, Lighting, Compositing
“The Jumper Ball” Animation
“Firewall: Start Positions” Modeling, Texturing, Rigging of the Launch Platform and Launch Arm, Animation.
“Sammy’s Picture” Compositing
“Devilish Angel” Animation, Lighting