Hot Town, Cool City is a new film project by Maureen McNamara. The story concept is one of an underground, insider’s view of what makes Houston a COOL city. Looking beyond the freeways, strip malls, stadiums, mega oil corporations, and NASA, Hot Town, Cool City will read between those lines to find the gems that make Houston one of the COOLest cities in the US— to live in or to visit.
Any Houstonian who has friends or family from another COOL city is challenged with questions about WHY s/he would want to live in Houston. The national media often promotes a negative mythology about Houston. Even many of the people who live in Houston don’t know about all the gems the city holds open for their delight and consumption. In other COOL cities (such as NYC, Chicago or San Francisco) everyone knows to go to a particular neighborhood to find all of a particular kind of riches. Houston is more of an adolescent, renegade COOL city. Things are a little more spread out in Houston. ...