Directed by Greer Samuels
Fight Choreography by Al Patrick Jo
Matt - Ariel Rolando Pacheco
Beethoven - Kane Chiang
MAL DI LUNA Scene between Matt (Pig Pen) and Beethoven (Schroeder). I sort of think the fight is a little much at times and a little disturbing, but I choreographed the fight so I'll take the blame for that. The director and I expected there would be laughter at the beginning of the scene (our audience have varying maturity levels and we were worried about those that would laugh at the oddest times). The goal of the fight was to prevent the audience that we were going to have from laughing during the last part of the scene (that whole adapting to your audience thing), as well as showing the bullying that Beethoven goes through. In this performance nobody laughed at the end of Mal Di Luna. I would like some constructive criticism on this work. If you have any suggestions or advice please do comment.