As requested in the negociation by an lp leader, both clans were to dd next to eachother and on the count of 3 both clans were free to attack. We dd as close to them as we could before the wall dropped. I told my members not to attack untill the count of 3, but when the wall dropped lp decided they would charge , im not sure if they forgot about the rule or what but at any rate the war progressed we took a demanding 10 to 8 lead in the begining, and from that point on we controlled the war. Zooyork and astral chaos were both able to tank through 10 lp members - elite tanks ftw :) VVV binders were at their best and our snipe team did not let us down as a result vvv won the fight with 8 standing. Good job vvv as always you fought well and made me proud :-) Oh an their last man standing decided to run out of bounds and out the portal for some reason, maybe to save food or somthing Im not sure. - The Uh Sas N