This material is from September 2004 till November 2004.
Jeffie gets a Pretty Princess in his head, Sally the Garden Gnome takes a walk, Just Joe gets duct taped and beaten with a crutch, Gorgar!, Handy, the Handpuppet of Doom, Returns, Joe and Ian have a whipped cream fight, and Divinity Destroyed come back to visit and compose their popular, MapQuest Sucks song... At the end, you will also find a compilation video and pictorial.
Live performances from If Man is Five, Lotus Project, Worm Quartet, Divinity Destroyed, The Witching, The Pushrods, and Bozo Porno Circus. Most of these are from the first ever Xtreme Soundscapes Show, including Mark of Divinity Destroyed getting his guitar stuck in his hair and yanking a bunch of it out. And Bozo Porno Circus fill The Haunt with smoke from fire breathing half-naked women...