Herman Mouser, the owner of the Lightning Exterminating Co. is behind on his bills, and is about to fire his three employees, the Stooges. The boys beg for one last chance, and Mouser sends the Stooges out with instructions of, "If they don't have ants, you GIVE them ants". The boys get the point, and sneak into a swanky party and bug the house with insects, reptiles and mice. The Stooges then appear at the door, and the butler, thinking that heaven has sent him a miracle dresses the Stooges as partygoers and sends them in. They manage to sabatoge the party when Curly puts a bag of cats into the piano, and Larry is thrown inside to retrieve them. When the host of the party feels like she is ruined, one of her guests rescues her by saying that the "entertainers" were the hit of the party, and suggests they come along on the foxhunt. Curly encounters and brings in what he thinks is his fox: a skunk. 1936