Look at how you learn, if you learn a little bit slower, you learn a different method, try to find that method of learning from your mentor to teach you that and get it. Do not rush things.
Sunrider International, SupraLife International, Supreme Concept, Talisman Marketing, Telco Global Communications Ltd., Telenet Telecom N.A., Inc., TCN- Tele-Card Network, The Int'l Homebiz Professional Group, TMI Unlimited, Top Secrets, Total Life Concepts Int'l Inc., TradeNet Marketing Inc., Training Network Worldwide, Travel Max Int'l, Travel One Int'l, TriStar Online, TronMALLS International, TurningPoint Technologies, Universal Sports Direct, Inc., Universal Tri-Tel, U.S. Monolith Inc., USANA Inc., Vaxa Int'l Inc., Vision Of Hope, VisionQuest, Voyager Group Inc., Watkins Incorporated, WorldConnect, World Infinity Network, WorldNet International, Yorkbest Total Marketing, Inc., You Australia Pty. Ltd., Young Living Essential Oils, Youngevity, ZAHS-Zenith Advanced Health Systems Int'l, ...