A World of Warcraft PvP video by Limpet (aka Stevez/Jesu/Teapot :P)
A few notes about this movie:
All rogue sections were taken pre-patch 2.3, meaning shadowstep was 10 sec CD and could only be used in stealth and cheat-death was completely different. This meant that I was full sub with daggers for maximum happy fun-time with ambush.
None of this movie is to show skill, it's to show the true chaos and fun that world pvp can be. I can't stress this enough :P. If you want to see someone spam lifebloom for hours, this isn't for you.
Played, Directed and Ruined by - Limpet.
Recorded on Dunemaul EU.
Thanks to -
The rogues- Blodalv, Bloodsting, Hockerz, Nocturnal, Rank
The druid- Imbabull
My guild for their support :P.