Three of the four songs from the mini-musical (Thank You For The Music, I Wonder, I'm Marionette) were ultimately featured in studio-recorded versions on ABBA's next album. But the fourth song, entitled "Get On The Carousel", was not on the album. Get On The Carousel is a song never recorded in the studio, performed only on the Europe and Australia tours in 1977. Instead, the song, which has never been released on any album, remains a unique feature of "ABBA - The Movie". ************ Tri od cetiri pjesme iz mini-mjuzikla (Thank You For The Music, I Wonder, I'm Marionette) su konacno uoblicene u studijskim verzijama na Abbinom sljedecem albumu. Ali cetvrta pjesma, naslovljena "Get On The Carousel", nije bila na albumu. Get On The Carousel nije nikada snimljena u studiju, izvodjena je jedino na europskoj i australijskoj turneji 1977. godine. Umjesto toga, pjesma, koja nikada nije stavljena niti na jedan album, postaje unikatni dio filma "ABBA - The Movie"