Learn about what's right and wrong to do on the Internet when building a Network Marketing opportunity.
If you are an old school Network Marketer and you have just come to the Internet to build your MLM you are in a very risky spot.
In just about hours you can be banned from the Internet Social Marketing communities.
Bringing your old Network Marketing habits will not do you any good.
You may have done old school Network Marketing techniques so far and that's OK. Pretty much all Network Marketers have. That's what we have been taught to do in the Network Marketing industry for years - pitching selling and chasing everyone who has a pulse.
However, you will only hurt yourself if you bring your old school Network Marketing mindset with you when you come to the Internet looking for business and trying to build your MLM.
In this video I am reading an e-mail I received in my YouTube inbox from a Network Marketer who had literally opened an account with YouTube 7 ...