The first episode in a funny series we started, starring Poneh, Keg and Merlin, this is more of an introduction on the first three main characters, we took attention to constructive critisicm and Episode 2 has been improved and actually starts the story on it's way.
Actor for Merlin has been away for some time but series is planned to continue when he's back
This is episode 1:
In the ages of Knights & Wizards
... Oh and melons
PVK2 Theme
PVK2 Viking win theme
Toy Box - Prince of Arabia
Editted pvk2 pirate sounds
Editted Magic Stones game sounds
Server credits:
Lord Trilobite (most of recordings)
House of sillyness (Merlin on fire scene)
Role of mr melon:
Potato Juice the spammer of weird idea's xD