Manhattan Noon is an exhibition at the Museum of the City of New York that shows photographs by Gus Powell. One thing that’s special about these photographs is that they have been taken by Gus Powell during his lunch hour. “The midday meanderings of New Yorkers on their lunch breaks, famously captured by Frank O’Hara in his 1964 collection Lunch Poems, are the subject of Manhattan Noon, the first large-scale New York presentation of the recent photographs of Gus Powell. The exhibition features some 30 color images, taken by Powell during his lunch hour, that capture the city’s inhabitants in, as O’Hara wrote, “the noisy splintered glare of a Manhattan noon.” (Museum’s PR). In this video Theodore Bouloukos and Darren Trenchard meet up with Gus Powell who introduces us to Manhattan Noon. The exhibition runs through April 20, 2008.