When I started in Network Marketing I was very committed to create a successful residual income for myself. So I listened very carefully and did all the things my network marketing upline told me to do including investing a lot of money in my business.
I spend hundreds of dollars on inspirational materials of Dr. Ellie Drake (Network Marketing Coach and founder of Brave Heart Women Community), I flew to California to meet with Jeffrey Combs (Network Marketing Trainer who is featured now in Magnetic Sposoring Community) and attended his 2 days Breakthroughs Event that cost me $1500.
I went to Las Vegas attending Dani Johnson's First Steps To Success seminar. Dani Johnson is also a very successfully network marketing industry coach. I also spend a lot of time energy and hundreds of dollars every week on leads and prospecting them. Even though the hard work and all the investments I failed and ended up spending way too much more money than what ...