If you've been using Renegade University to sell more Renegade Network Marketer Ebooks, and attract more prospects and build you network marketing business more effectively than you know that Renegade University's goal is to promote you as the expert in front of your network marketing prospects.
Not Ann Sieg, not Mike Dillard, not the gurus but you as the attraction network marketing expert.
A new feature that Renegade University added so that you create more of The Renegade Network Marketer ebook sales and pre-build the relationship with your network marketing leads is the ability to add video to your Profile.
So when your prospects log in to their Renegade University account they see your video at Step 1 together with the Renegade Network Marketer ebook banner.
I already placed my video there and you can see it by going to http://DiDiAlcheva.com. Fill out the form and get a free account with Renegade University and go to Step 1 to watch the video.