The Stooges are "Day and Night Plumbers," hired by the Norfleets, a rich married couple, to fix the plumbing in their basement while a social party is going on their mansion. The boys wreck the house with the plumbing: Shemp destroys the bathroom by flooding it, then drilling a hole through the floor, and later, Moe and Shemp connect the water pipes with the electrical pipes. Mr. and Mrs. Allen, two of the Norfleet's party guests, steal the Norfleet's Van Brocklin painting behind everyone's back. When the Norfleets notice their painting is missing, the Allens try to make their getaway, but the Stooges interfere and capture them. At the end, the painting is returned to the grateful Norfleets. 1949
A reworking of A PLUMBING WE WILL GO (1940). Remade as SCHEMING SCHEMERS (1956), with stock footage.