Title: 惡作劇2吻 / E Zuo Ju 2 Wen
English title: They Kiss Again
Episodes: 20
Broadcast period: 2007-Dec-16 to 2008-Apr-27
Air time: Sundays 22:00 to 23:30
Opening theme song: 幸福合作社 / Xing Fu He Zuo She by 范曉萱 / Mavis Fan
Ending theme song: 你 / Ni by 林依晨 / Ariel Lin
(Want to download "They Kiss Again OST? CLICK HERE uploaded by nivlek)
The sequel of It Started With A Kiss begins with Xiang Qin and Zhi Shu's wedding and honeymoon. Even after marriage, they experience problems and interferences within their marriage such as mistaken pregnancy, misunderstandings, and a run-in with a girl from Zhi Shu's past. Xiang Qin and Zhi Shu switch to medical school to become nurse and doctor. During that time, Zhi Shu meets new rivals who wish to outdo him and Xiang Qin makes four new friends, and one of them likes her and wishes to replace Zhi Shu.