I made this video for my youtube account where my username is angelofhopeandlight
Despite the fact that Harry had a relationship with Hermione, he kissed Cho and Hermione saw it...
The video starts when Harry notices the change in Hermione's attitude.When Hermione goes on a date with Victor Krum, he asks her why she did something like that and she tells him that he had seen his kiss with Cho. Harry understands his mistake and regrets kissing Cho, because he truly loves Hermione and he wants her back!He felt like an idiot that he cheated on Hermione and he remembers their time together...He keeps on saying :"Let's start over, cause it's NOT over".Is it too late to save their relationship..?
I have used both Windows Movie Maker and Sony Vegas 7.0 to make this video.It's the first video that i used Sony Vegas 7.0.Furthermore i had a huge problem trying to save it from Windows Movie Maker to my computer and it took about two months to solve it