Copyright 2008 by T. Chase. Extended version, video on Nostradamus and the CERN LHC particle accelerator creating a Black Hole or Strangelet Doomsday.
A prophecy of French prophet Nostradamus, 9 44, may predict the CERN Large Hadron Collider LHC proton particle accelerator being built near Geneva on the France Swiss border may produce a black hole or strangelet particle that could swallow earth or cause some other great disaster. Also a Book of Revelation prophecy and King James version English Bible Code matrices on this subject. RAYPOZ in Century 9 Number 44 may refer to the positive ray of the LHC. Could this be a Doomsday Machine? Could this cause the 2012 Mayan calendar destruction of earth? LHC is to be turned on in mid 2008.
From the web site, for more on this see (Revelation 13: Prophecies of the Future, Astrology, Nostradamus, Bible Prophecy, the King James version English Bible Code).