Danny West is a trainer, coach, and leadership consultant, has been living with HIV for the past 24 years, and remains healthy today. As a person living with HIV, Danny West is committed to providing leadership in the world in the fight against HIV, stigma, and related problems. There are now laws in the United Kingdom to protect the human rights of people living with HIV/AIDS, and with the advent of combination therapy, Danny West feels that the time is right for people living with HIV/AIDS to take a leadership role on these issues. Contrary to common stereotypes, people living with HIV/AIDS aren’t just gay men, injection drug users, or African. They come from all ethnic groups, walks of life, and nationalities. Danny’s company has developed a range of leadership programs for people living with HIV. They are also attempting to initiate a nationwide leadership program. For more information, visit http://www.ryl-training-consultancy.co.uk/ and http://www.AIDSvideos.org/.