Your FREE Membership Gives You a Proven, Tested System That ANY Network Marketer Can Use To Build Their Business In ANY MLM!
Here's what you get:
FREE! MLM Network Marketing Leadership
Training & Mentoring 5 Nights a Week
Monday thru Thursday evenings at 8 pm Eastern, you and I call YOUR leads live and interactive! (You may participate, or just listen in.) This call is scheduled for 1 hour, but may run 2 or 3 hours, depending on how much training people need.
You learn how to be totally non-threatening. You learn how to spot a person's personality type within 1-2 minutes on the phone and present the way THEY want you to. You learn how to begin building a relationship with that person.
After each call, a dozen or more of my personally-trained mentors come back on the line for questions & comments. You learn the immense value of having a team to work with you.
You learn that MLM is not a sales business, and it's not a recruiting business. It's a teaching & mentoring business. ...