The first movie starring the infamous Underpants Man! Filmed in 'The Movies' and starring more people than I can list right now...
Oh what the heck...
kuroken .... General Dingleberry
fulkster .... The Demon, Nigel
matneee .... Hoover the Robot
homemadeeye .... Edgar & Hubert
JetCityWoman .... Not-Barbara and the UPM Dancers
biggstrek .... UPM, Professor Nibbler and 3 Nazi Spies!
mandiangels420 .... Ma Nibblewitz
Half_Swiss .... as himself!
Additional music by fulkster! (From both The Athena Project and the original UPM Dancers movie.)
Thanks to them all! :)
This version is the HiRes one, with the sound restored by the removal of the nasty "Devil's Bookmarks".