American crocodiles, Key Largo wood rats, Key Largo cotton mice, Schaus swallowtail butterflies, and 100 other rare critters and plants call 2,400-acre Dagnyy Johnson Key Largo Hammocks Botanical State Park their home. It's also a user-friendly place to explore the largest remaining stand of the vast West Indian tropical hardwood hammock and mangrove wetland that once covered most of the Keys' upland areas. Interpretive signs describe many of the tropical tree species along a 1¼-mi paved road (2 1/2 mi round-trip) that invites walking, rollerblading, and biking. Rangers give guided tours and encourage you to taste the fruits of native plants. Pets are welcome if on a no-longer-than-6-foot leash. You'll also find restrooms, information kiosks, and picnic tables. 1 mi north of U.S. 1 on Rte. 905, OS, North Key Largo, FL. Daily 8-sundown. Tours Thurs. and Sun. at 10. Honor Fee of $1.50.